
Perform Quality Control on Raw Reads

Introduction to FastQC

FastQC provides several modules (as discussed in intro Slides)

Run FastQC

Question 2: Were you right about your guess of quality encoding?

Aggregate QC data with MultiQC

The tool MultiQC allows us to view our QC results from all samples side by sides, in order to check for consistency across replicates. It can use the Raw Data output from FastQC and generate plots for all modules.

Steps to run:

Question 3: Using what we learned in lecture, which metrics show one or more failed samples?

Trim adapters and low quality read ends with Trim Galore!

Rerun FastQC and MultiQC

Question 4: Were any reads completely removed from the samples? You can compare the read count in the General Statistics table before and after trimming. Note: The **MultiQC: Webpage** "General Statistics" table shows a rounded value, so be sure to use the raw table data in the **MultiQC:Stats** Galaxy output.
Question 5: Is the adapter problem solved? What about the GC content? Note that HIV replication is ramping up rapidly in these cells in the first 24 hours.

Next: Read Alignment

Previous: Setup